Fresh Examples of Unusual and Creative Tattoo Designs
Tattoos have become more popular in the recent years because of its diversity in styles and designs. They are an interesting means to decorate and pamper one's body or body parts to make them more attractive, alluring and charming. Tattoos are more popular among teen age boys and girls. Different types of tattoos designs can be marked like flag tattoos, eagle tattoos, animal tattoos, Skull tattoos, feminine, Gemini, floral peek, Spiderman, feather, and 3D tattoos etc.
Brittany-Tattoos by BM-Photography
Self Portrait by aheathphoto
RRE - Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me by LEGENDofLMPF
Tattoo Before The Shoot by Moonlight-Nightmares
Peekaboo by DiamonEyes
Squid and Octopus by XxXWerwolf-Girl
Before the Storm by Felynx-x
Industrial Strength by DiamonEyes
Korra- tattoos WIP by Roots-Love
Chris' Side Tattoo by PyroWolf573
Jamie's Tattoos by Tetraethyl
Borderlands - Lilith by WindoftheStars
Sharpie Tattoo- White Violin by bueatiful-failure
Tattoos by DeadlyMidnight
Make Your Own Tattoos by
Tattoos by Chailette
Hot Lips by VanessaLake
Tattoos by AAKphotography
I Choose You by LEGENDofLMPF