Breathtaking Photos Describing A Friendship Between A Girl and Her Cat

Russian photographer Andy Prokh has taken some awesome photographs of his cute daughter Katherine and her British shorthair cat, LiLu. These beautiful and storytelling pictures clearly depicting that how unique and irreplaceable relationship can develop between the children and their pets if they grew up together.

Andy told that his daughter grew up with his British cat, and is now four and a half year old while their cat Lilu is six year. Both have lots of chemistry and they enjoy each others’ company. They spend time with each other while playing chess, exploring the world and using musical instruments for producing a melody. Mostly pictures are in black and white which give them a classic touch. Take a look!

family pets

British cat

Andy Prokh

Andy Prokh photography

British shorthair cat1

British shorthair cat

Friendship Between A Girl and Her Cat

Lilu cat

pets and children

Friendship of A Girl and Her Cat

a girl and her cat1

cat drawing

cat and a girl

family pets1

friendship with pets1

friendship with pets

musical cat

pets and children

pets and children1

British cats

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