Russian Mother Takes Adorable Photographs of Her Kids With Dogs, Ducks and Rabbits

Elena Shumilova , a mother from Andreapol, Russia has been taking wonderful photos of her two sons Yaroslav and Vanya since 2012 after receiving her first professional camera. Because of staying with the animal from very young age, both the guys were immediately accepted in their world and this amazing friendship tends to become stronger as they get older.

The animals in this photos series belong to the farm Shumilova running from some time. While taking the full advantage of beautiful surroundings, weather conditions and natural colors Elena Shumilova enable to take some incredible photos which will leave you speechless!

cute friendship

intimate photographs1

intimate photographs

kids with animals

Russian Mother Takes Adorable Photographs of Her Two Kids With  animals

animal photography

best friends


Elena Shumilova1

Elena Shumilova

incredible photos

kids photography1

kids photography2

kids photography

nature photography1

nature photography

Russian Mother 1

Russian Mother photography

Russian Mother

Elena Shumilova2
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