The Artwork of Tammam Azzam Creatively Highlights Devastation in Syria

Tammam Azzam is a talented young Syrian artist and also the witness of all the violence in his homeland. Azzam decided to use his artistic skills to combine popular Western masterpieces with actual scenes of devastation across Syria.

In early 2013, Azzam posted an image of Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss" photoshopped onto a bullet-ridden building in Damascus. The photo went viral attracting thousands of likes and shares on Facebook. Below we are going to showcase you some of the most creative masterpieces including the ‘Freedom Graffiti’ 'that has made a household name for Tammam Azzam on the global art scene.

Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss"

Syrian artist

“Henry Matisse’s The Dance”

devastation in Syria

“Andy Warhol’s Elvis”

most creative artwork

“Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night”

Tammam Azzam

“Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa”

artwork of Tammam Azzam1

 “Salvador Dali’s Sleep”

artwork of Tammam Azzam3

“Paul Gauguin’s Tahitian Women on the Beach”

artwork of Tammam Azzam

“Francisco Goya’s The 3rd of May, 1808″

Freedom Graffiti

"Edvard Munch's The Scream"

Gustav Klimt
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