Incredibly Detailed Pencil Drawings of Wildlife By 11-year-old Serbian Boy

Dušan Krtolica is the most talented young artist from Serbia who creates amazing nature inspired drawings. He is just 11 years old. He is the student of 5th grade at ‘Laza Kostic’ school in New Belgrade. Mostly he uses pen and pencil in his detailed wildlife drawings. Krtolica's mind blowing drawings show his love and fascination with the nature. He illustrated all flora and fauna in his drawings. His knowledge is extraordinary as he knows about all the geological eras.

Nature inspired drawings

Mind-blowing drawings of wildlife

Dušan Krtolica

 Detailed Portraits

Dušan Krtolica

DuanKrtolica nature inspired drawings

DuanKrtolica detailed drawings

Duan Krtolica pencil artwork

DuanKrtolica artwork
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