Incredible Eclectic Tattoos by Steph Hanlon

Seattle-based talented tattoo artist Steph Hanlon creates beautiful tattoos with unique styles ranging from contemporary art to classic nature illustration. Hanlon took inspiration from the creations of other great artist including Van Gogh, Mondrian, Munch and Picasso to create her own amazing work. She has also created replicas of many popular paintings.

Hanlon named her style “eclecticism,” which is becoming very popular among modern tattoo artists. His use of fresh and bold color and geometric elements in illustrations is amazing that make her stand out from others.

best tattoo design, Van Gogh, Mondrian, Munch, Picasso, Arts

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Steph Hanlon tattoo

modern tattoos designs

best tattoo design, Van Gogh

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      Source: Steph Hanlon
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