Mesmerizing 3D Beach Art By Artist Jamie Harkins

Many artists made sand art on public beaches but we've never seen such a beautiful 3D art like this before. Talented Kiwi artist Jamie Harkins creates fun optical illusions from his 3D drawings on public beaches which amuse the passers. You have seen many drawings of sidewalk chalk artist who create fun by making us fool that their 2D drawings are actually 3D. Jamie Harkins used the same trick in his 3D illustrations.

Harkins drawings look like simple lines but if you see his drawings from a far they transform into meaningful imagination. Furthermore he added people with different pose in his 3D illustrations to create more mind-bending touch in his art.

3d art by jamie harkins

3d beach art

3d beach sand art

3d illusions by jamie harkins

3d optical illusion sand art

3d optical illusion

3d optical illusionby jamie harkins

jamie harkins 3d optical illusion

jamie harkins 3d sand art

jamie harkins
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